Since I'm in Spain I fugured I had to visit Madrid while I'm here. I'm really glad I got to see more than just the airport. I went this Sunday to take advantae of the huge sunday flea market thing they have and the museum discounts. I think if it had been the first city I'd seen in Europe I would have been really amazed, but I've already seen so many beautiful cities here I think I've developed some desensitization. It was cool tho I liked it. We started out a la Rasca, the huge flea market they have every sunday. When we got of the train we saw like three stands and thought that wa it for a second,ha ha. It Was HUGE! it never ended, it went on and on and on. Even when we were done and trying to get out there was just more and more. You had to go through and ask, one thing would bw 30 euros in one place and 5 in another. I got some pretty good deals tho. It was neat just to see.
We went to the Museum of Reina Sofia, which is all modern art. My travel companions enjoyed some of it a lot less than I did. There were some very famous Piccassoes which everyone got excited about. You could actually take pictures there I was surprised. It was pretty neat, saw some really wierd stuff that looked a lot like a homeless camp, but it was cool. Its free on sundays.
Next we went to the Prado. Whic is an enormous collection of old master paintings. It was amazing. Not free on sundays, but somehow they didn't charge me. I had to change registers beacuse thee printer wasn't working and I think one thought the other charged me and vice versa. Win! Lots of Goya, El Greco Van Dychs, other famous artist whose names escape me. It was prett awesome but it kicked my butt. I was so tired afterwards.
We walked over to the Plaza Mayor, which was really cool, but you can't really comapre any plaza to Salamanca's. We saw the Puerta del sol, and the staues and the Palicio Real, Which closes early so we didn't get to go in, but at that point I was too tired anyway.
All week i'd been battleing a cold that turned into a sinus infection. Plus I was out in the sun way more than I should have been all weekend. I was Feeling pretty bad on the way home, it kinda got worse monday morning in class, my teacher sent me home. I went to the docter with Daniella, our progeam director, just to help me explain medical terms. He gave me what I think is the Spanish equiviant of a Z pack. I do feel a little better tonight after resting. Hopefully it works. I need to be better for Paris this weekend.

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