The nest morning we went to the luve first thing, before it opened. We got some crepes, that weren't as great but still better than all previous crepes. We wanted to beat the crowd, and went with a plan. We ran straight to the Mona Lisa as soon as we got in, being as it was the smallest thing we wanted to see. It was amazing in real life, everyone says how small it is, and it was small, but i was expecting it to be tiney, it wasn't, it was really cool to see the detain i wish i could have gotten closer to it check out the wood panel. I got to get closer to the other daVinchi's, john the babtist, i'd never noticed the cross he was pointing to before, its very subtle, but it was cool. I saw the famous Venus with no arms, the winged vistory, and all kinds of really cool stuff!, of course you can't see all of it. It takes 7 days to do the entire luve, but i felt sufficuantly luved.

On the way back into town we ran into this amazing candy cookie shop. They gave free samples, it was amazing. I would have bought more but it wouldn't have kept until i got back in life with no air conditioning. It was still a really cool place, we bought some cookies and ate them. It was a cool place, we went to this huge mall thing too which was kinda neat to see all the weird paris fashion. Tried on a beret.

Next we went over to the Arc de Triumph ad went up to the top, which was included in our museum pass. It was stairs, i got my work out in burning off all those crepes, it was pretty high but it was worth it when we got to the top. We could see the Eiffel tower, it was cool.

We found out that Versailles was included in our museum pass, which was exciting because usually it's like 20 euro's to get in. We took the train there. It was really neat. We saw the palace where the nobles lived and got a free audio tour walking through all the rooms. It's one of the cooler things i've visited. Unfortunately it costs more to go to the gardens, but we got a peek at them, and i don't think we had time too look at them all anyway.

At the end of the day after we went out to a delicious dinner, we got a bottle of wine and sat and watched the light show at the Eiffel Tower. It looks like it's sparkling it's really hard to capture in a photo, it was s beautiful. I loved it, I wish i could have stayed for a few more days.

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