Its amazing what can be lost in cultural context. We;ve learned some things in classes and in life here that have different meanings. Now we no that if someone asks you Quieres Chocolate, they don't want to give you a candy bar. And you need to use emocionado when your excited in stead od excitado, unless you want wierd unwanted attention. And a Viejo Verde, is not an old man with a stomach flu. Anyone will encounter this when entering a new place, tho there are cases of the reverse. One little tidbit of lost cultural context that has made us all giggle: Magnums. We all know what they are at home.
Here "I have seen many magnums, they have many varieties, including magnum gold and magnum minnies (which really cracks me up.
Here a Magnum is a type of ice cream bar. And they are delicious! they have like chocolate icecream dipped in fudge dipped in chocolate, some with nuts, other flavors the gold has like butterscothc in the middle chocolate and is sprayed with gold, minnies (ha), and they're all amazing. But somehow every time hearing people talk about them or seeing advertisments for them turns every american into an 8th grader. An unknowing non-american student wil say something in reference to the ice cream, that sounds really dirty to us, and the giggles commence. Then we explain it to them and they're like OOOH, i didn't know! Oh what is lost in translation!

Its amazing what can be lost in cultural context. We;ve learned some things in classes and in life here that have different meanings. Now we no that if someone asks you Quieres Chocolate, they don't want to give you a candy bar. And you need to use emocionado when your excited in stead od excitado, unless you want wierd unwanted attention. And a Viejo Verde, is not an old man with a stomach flu. Anyone will encounter this when entering a new place, tho there are cases of the reverse. One little tidbit of lost cultural context that has made us all giggle: Magnums. We all know what they are at home.
Here "I have seen many magnums, they have many varieties, including magnum gold and magnum minnies (which really cracks me up.
Here a Magnum is a type of ice cream bar. And they are delicious! they have like chocolate icecream dipped in fudge dipped in chocolate, some with nuts, other flavors the gold has like butterscothc in the middle chocolate and is sprayed with gold, minnies (ha), and they're all amazing. But somehow every time hearing people talk about them or seeing advertisments for them turns every american into an 8th grader. An unknowing non-american student wil say something in reference to the ice cream, that sounds really dirty to us, and the giggles commence. Then we explain it to them and they're like OOOH, i didn't know! Oh what is lost in translation!
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